主要项目: 主持国家自然科学青年基金1项,校启动基金1项。 代表性论文: 1. Chen S, Wang K, Sun M, et al. Spread of competing viruses on heterogeneous networks.[J]. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A Mathematical Physical & Engineering Sciences, 2017:20160284. (获得13届全国复杂网络大会最佳论文奖) . 2. Chen S, Small M, Tao Y, Fu X, Transmission dynamics of an SIS model with age structure on heterogeneous networks, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology. 2018, 80(8):2049-208. 3. Chen S, Small M, Fu X, Global stability of epidemic models with imperfect vaccination and quarantine on scale-free networks. IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 2020, 7(3): 1583-1596. 4. Chen S, Ran Y, Shang k. Epidemic Dynamics of Two-Pathogen Spreading for Pairwise Models, Mathematics, 2022, 10(1906): 1-18. 5. L. Liu, S. Chen*, M. Small et al. Global stability and optimal control of epidemics in heterogeneously structured populations exhibiting adaptive behaviour, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. 2023,Online. 6. Wang L, Sun M, Chen S, et al. Epidemic spreading on one-way-coupled networks. [J]. Physica A Statistical Mechanics & Its Applications, 2016, 457:280-288. 7. 陈姗姗,黄勃,方志军.传染病垂直传染的传播动力学分析: 以COVID⁃19为例,武汉大学学报(理学版),2020,66(5):433-441 8. 崔玉美,陈姗姗,傅新楚,传播动力学模型阈值分析,复杂系统与复杂性科学,2018 (17009). 9. 王玉,陈姗姗,傅新楚,传播动力学模型回顾与展望,应用数学与计算数学学报,20170036.