支志雄教授:Digital Trust in the Era of Digital Age

12月10日 10:00,腾讯会议:402 1662 8346


讲座内容:Digital Trust in the Era of Digital Age


讲座时间:12月10日 10:00

腾讯会议:402 1662 8346


   With the blooming of digital related technologies, including AI, IoT, big data, …, etc. and the shift of computing paradigm to data-driven and human-AI collaboration, our world is entering into the era of digital economy in which social and economic activities use digitized information and knowledge as key factors of production. However, despite the potentials that these digital technologies can drive innovation and fuel economic growth, these benefits and efficiencies will be realized only if digital trust can be ensured. However, different from the focus of traditional security and privacy on data/system/network, the ultimate goal of digital trust emphasizes on the final decision outcomes as well as the processes involved. In this talk, we would like to first give an overview on the evolution of security and privacy research. Then we introduce the concept of digital economy and define digital trust. Factors affecting digital trust as well as their science questions behind will be presented. Finally, the talk will conclude with a digital trust initiative that Singapore Government just launched recently.


    支志雄,教授,深资首席研究员。目前就职于澳大利亚联邦科学与工业组织(CSIROData61研究所,任云计算和传感数据安全组的科研组长。博士毕业于美国普渡大学西拉法叶分校,先后在飞利浦研究实验室、IBM公司、香港中文大学、新加坡国立大学、清华大学任职,多次担任WCW , AWCC , IEEE SOSEICBElCS0C 等国际会议的会议主席,发表学术论文超过近300篇,拥有多项已经产业化的美国专利。支教授目前的研究领域包括行为信息学和分析学,网络安全,物联网,云计算、服务计算和社交网络。





























